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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pondering Pachyderms

   Not counting the thirteen days of Spring Break visitors, this has been kind of a ho-hum couple of weeks. Nothing spectacular happening on either end of Georgia's emotional spectrum. A few whiny outbursts, which were quickly quelled. A few ah-ha! moments, which seemed more the maquette in this process than finished monument. Progress? More like Slogress! Blah, blah, blah. I was doing some heavy sighing, and heavier doubting. Then a ponderous stroke of understanding wormed its way into my consciousness: We've been doing this Stowell work for 12 weeks now. In pregnancy terms that's 3 months of gestation. First trimester. A lot of serious work goes on in-utero during that time. Major roads paved on the path to personhood. But a huge amount of development still has to happen before that little person joins the rest of the world. This is how I've come to see our Stowell work. When you boil it right down, we're just in the first trimester. The very beginning. A TON of little developments are happening right now, which are just the building blocks for much greater things. Things that will happen down the road we're paving right now. Provided we don't get stuck in the fresh tar!

   I really do live for those *little* developments that seemingly just pop out of nowhere. It's the best feeling to see her figuring out words that I thought would totally stump her, and assumed she'd have to spell out.  I love that when I tell her "WOW. I thought you were going to need help with that word. Awesome job!", she absolutely beams! There's no pretentiousness. We are both truly pleased. Oh there are times, when she's in an irritable mood, that she might simply roll her eyes at me. But the eye-roll is usually accompanied by a shy smile, which tells me she really does appreciate the words of encouragement. This week she was able to read the words "drink", "mother's", "pounce" (that one was thrilling because she recognized the "ou" vowel combination and went from there!) and "hunters" without missing a beat. She also knew the word "powerful" because, as she said "I remembered that 'power' is in Power Rangers!". *Ah-hem*, I guess T.V. ain't all bad.
                                                                                                                                                          Another thrilling occurrence: Georgia was actually able to fairly easily maneuver the (dreaded) Starfish exercise without ANY fussing. Have I described The Starfish before? She perches on the edge of a chair and leans back, simultaneously spreading arms and legs out while dropping head over the back of the chair. Then she essentially pulls arms, legs, head back in and scrunches into a ball, with her right arm crossed over left, and right leg over left leg. She HATES this for the simple reason that she is not comfortable with dropping her head back. (it's that darn Morrow reflex!) In fact, she doesn't even want me to use the phrase "drop your head back". I have to say "relax your neck..." This week when we finished and she stood up, I said "Hey, you didn't squawk at all. And you did that so smoothly!" She smiled and said "I know, and I feel so calm!"  GASP! The Starfish made her feel CALM? Drop everything and....oh yeah, sorry....

   So All of these bits and pieces of progress just aid in our proverbial gestation, working to propel us forward. I know that after the appropriate amount of time Georgia will be ready to go out into the world. Of course, our gestational period may more closely resemble that of the pachyderm, but I'm fine with that. As long as we don't end up looking like crazy zoo animals!

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